Plant Variety Protection Services

Plant Variety Protection Services

Plant breeders’ rights (PBRs) are a form of legal protection for plant varieties, granting breeders exclusive rights to their registered varieties. Under the Plant Variety Protection and Farmers’ Rights (PPVFR) Act, 2001 in India, we provide comprehensive support to breeders and farmers in protecting their plant varieties.

Registerable Plant Varieties Include:

  • New varieties
  • Essentially derived varieties
  • Farmers’ varieties
  • Varieties that meet criteria of innovation, uniqueness, homogeneity, and stability.

Non-Registrable Plant Varieties:

  • Varieties that could disrupt public order or morality, or harm human, animal, or plant life and health.
  • Varieties using harmful technologies.
  • Varieties pertaining to unlisted species or genera.

Protection Periods:

    • Trees and Vines: 18 years from registration
    • Extant Varieties: 15 years from governmental notice under the Seed Act, 1966
    • Other Crops: 15 years from registration

Our Plant Variety Protection Services Include:

  • Advising clients on the registrability of varieties and assisting with the registration process.
  • Conducting searches in the Official Journal of Plant Varieties for denomination clearance.
  • Filing opposition or cancellation notifications against infringing registrations.
  • Supporting clients in enforcing their rights over registered varieties.
  • Offering insights into the commercialization and marketing of registered plant varieties.
Why Choose



Experienced professionals ensuring precise filings and enforcement.

Tailored Solutions:

Customized IPR strategies for your specific needs.

End-to-End Support:

From filing to enforcement, we cover it all.

Global Reach:

Comprehensive protection across borders.

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